Ø The articles are received and reviewed in the first two months of each quarter. Ø The magazine appears at the end of each quarter.
No. 1 →  February 28th →  April 30th
No. 2 →  June 30th →  August 31st
No. 3 →  October 31st →  December 31st


General conditions:

  • Scientific articles by authors from the Republic of Moldova and other countries in romanian, english, french are open for publication.
  • The articles already published in other journals are not allowed.
  • For editing, unpublished texts are accepted, consistent in terms of scientific novelty, focused on topics of fundamental and applied resonance, which address the issues of interdisciplinarity and interculturality in the field of humanities.
  • The authors retain their copyright on articles without restriction.
  • The responsibility for the opinions expressed in the research lies exclusively with the authors.
  • All materials proposed for publication will be submitted for evaluation to the Scientific Committee.
  • To counter plagiarism and multiple publication, articles are verified by posting the title, keywords and snippets of text on the internet.
  • The texts are published both on paper (a limited number) and in electronic version on the official website.

Drafting requirements:

  • The article will be sent in Microsoft Word 2007 format to the address: [email protected]
  • The volume of the article will not exceed 12 pages. As an exception, the Editorial Board may authorize the exceeding of the volume of the article or its publication in consecutive issues of the journal.
  • The following structure will be observed:
  1. Self-presentation: name, surname, title and didactic-scientific degree, institutional affiliation, indication of areas of concern and published books, profile photo sent separately in JPG format. (Times New Roman, font size 10, line spacing 1.15, justify).
  2. The title will be concise, clear, informative and relevant (Times New Roman, font size 12, uppercase, bold, justify, before and after the title 1 space is left).
  3. Article body: A4 page format, edges: top, bottom, left, right 20 mm, paragraph 10 mm, Times New Roman, font size 12, line spacing 1.15.
  • Photo and graphic elements. Up to 10 figures, tables, and other photo and graphic elements are supported in one article. The photo images will be sent separately from the article, in original – JPG format with 300 dpi resolution. Graphic components will be accompanied by a serial number, name or caption (above the table, below the figure) and additional information (notes, sources), below the element:
  • Above table: Table + serial number + title – Times New Roman, bold, justify, font size 11, line spacing 1.15. The text in the table: Times New Roman, font size 11, line spacing 1.15, left-aligned text. Source (below the table): justify, Times New Roman, font size 11, line spacing 1.15.
  • Below the figure: Fig. + serial number + title (italics) + source (Times New Roman, justify, font size 11, line spacing 1.15).
  • Below the image: title (italics) + source / author (Times New Roman, justify, font size 11, line spacing 1.15).
  • The titles of subchapters / paragraphs: font size 12, lowercase (except for the first letter), bold, justify, paragraph 10 mm, at a distance of 1 space from the preceding text and without space from the following text.
  • If the material contains attachments, they will be placed 1 space away from the References. Appendix + serial number + title (Times New Roman, font size 11, line spacing 1.15, bold, right-aligned). Annex text: Times New Roman, font size 11, line spacing 1.15, justify. After each annex, indicate the source from which the annex was extracted.
  • Spelling and punctuation must correspond to the language of expression.


     Nota bene!

§  Triangular quotation marks will be used in French and Russian (« »); for the Romanian language – („ ”), for the English language – (“ ”).

§  The dot is placed at the end of the sentence / phrase:

1. after quotation marks (if the sentence ends with a quote, if there is no complete sentence in quotation marks);

2. after the reference figure (if reference is made at the end of the sentence).

§  In order to delimit a quote from another quote, the French quotation marks will be used («…»).

§  The slash to the right („/”) will be used with the meaning „or” – to indicate alternatives or more options.

§  Hyphen („”):

1.  the derivatives with the prefix ex-: ex-minister, ex-director;

2. the constructions consisting of a prefix and a proper noun or an acronym: pre-Elizabethan era, semi-independent;

3.  most (but not all) compound words that begin with “self”: self-esteem, self-pity;

4.  iff the compound adjective comes before the noun: fat-free.


§  En dash („–”):

1. to express ranges or to clarify more complex compound words: South Korea–based, Nobel Prize–winning, jack-in-the-box–like;

2. to indicate an indefinite period of time: 60s–70s, May–September;

3. to indicate page numbers: pages 10–15; time limits: 30–40 hour; sports scores: 2–0; voting results: By a vote of 55–45...

§  Brackets […]:

1. to close an intervention / addition made inside a quoted text, where a clarification is needed;

2. to mark an excerpt / a break from the quoted sentence / phrase or the absence of a word.

§  Numerals from one to nine are written in letters, and numerals greater than 10 inclusive are written in numbers. But it will be written in numbers:

1. numerals accompanying units of measurement, expressed by symbols or abbreviations, or coin denominations: 1 kg, 7 km, 100 euro, 50 EUR, 170 g, 217 kW;

2. Numbers used to express date, temperature, percentage, number of votes: 7 °C, 8%, 247 votes in favor, 2 votes against and 3 abstentions;

3. numerals from statistical documents.


§  It will be written in italics:

1. Latin words and phrases;

2. words, expressions, quotations, names of documents or names of institutions in foreign languages (not titles and names in other languages, translated into romanian);

3.  the words / expressions that the author wants to highlight.

  1. Notes and References are indicated in the text of the article by signs after quotation or idea by [1, p.] [2, p.] [3, p.] etc. and is presented in the order of citation at the end of the article. Footnotes are not allowed! (font Times New Roman, size 11, line spacing 1.15, justify. The word “References”: 11 font size, lowercase, except for the first letter, left-aligned, bold).

References are based on ISO 690: 2012 Bibliographic references:

Reference to a complete work: author’s name, full title of the work (italics), volume number (where applicable), place of publication, publisher, year.

Model: Galițov, Dmitri. The Fine Art of Soviet Moldova. Chișinău: Timpul, 1987.

Reference to a paper with two or three authors:

Model: Wellek, René; Warren, Austin. Theory of Literature. Translation by Rodica Tiniș, Introductory study and Notes by Sorin Alexandrescu. Bucharest: Universal Literature Publishing House, 1967.

Stoica, Georgeta; Petrescu, Paul; Bocșa, Maria. Folk Art Dictionary. Bucharest: Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House, 1985.

Reference to a paper with over three authors: the first name of the first author et al.

Model: Marinescu, Nicoleta et al. The Library from Tradition to Modernity. Bucharest: Astel Design, 1999.


Reference to a newspaper / magazine article: author’s name, article title (italics), newspaper name (in quotation marks), year of publication, number and full date.

Model: Pamfile, Tudor. A Long-Awaited Royal Trip. The Ling in Bessarabia.

In: “Sfatul Țării” (Chișinău). Year. III, no. 607, 19.05.1920.


Reference to a volume or collection of studies / documents / materials: first enter the title of the volume (italics), then the publisher / coordinator / curator of the edition, volume, place of publication, publisher, year. In the case of the existence of more than three editors / coordinators, one can pass et al.:

Model: Yesterday’s Cultural Heritage – Implications for the Development of Tomorrow’s Sustainable Society. Editor Condraticova Liliana, Chișinău: National Library of the Republic of Moldova, Vol. I, 2019.


Literary Work as Dialogue and Relationship. New Critical Models: Dialogic, Imagology, Sociocriticism, Reader-oriented Criticism, Ergocriticism. Coord. Grati Aliona, Chișinău, Știința, 2021.


Submission to a part of a paper (contribution or article): enter the author’s name, title (italics), collection of studies / coordinated volume in which it appeared (in quotation marks), year of publication, volume / part / no., page / pages:

Model 1: Popa, Oxana, French Sociocriticism. In: “Literary Work as Dialogue and Relationship. New Critical Models: Dialogic, Imagology, Sociocriticism, Reader-Oriented Criticism, Ergocriticism.” Coord. Grati Aliona, Chișinău, Știința, 2021, pp. 199-292.

Model 2. For works in the Russian language, to indicate the volume / collection in which the article referred to was published, a double to right slash will be used ( // ):

Россинский, Юрий Григорьевич. Система образования РСФСР в годы Великой отечественной войны // „Отечественная и зарубежная педагогика”, nr. 2 (23), 2015, p. 24-40.


Reference to archive sources: enter the name of the Archive (abbreviations can be used for the following citations), the fund, the inventory, the file, the tab (s):


1. National Archive of the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter ANRM). F. 1404, inv. 1, d. 1221.

2. ANRM. The Municipal Activity of the Chișinău Municipal Council. The 1934- 1935-1936 Campaigns under the Patronage of Mr. I.T. Costin. Chișinău, 1937.

Notes: Footnotes are not allowed, all explanations, additions are indicated in the text of the article by [1], [2] and are presented in the order of their introduction in the text at the end of the article (in Notes and References):


1.  Ciolan, Lucian. Steps to Intercultural School. Bucharest: Corint, 2000.

2.  For Nicolae Iorga, for example, it was the domain of evidence that “his name comes (…) from so many puddles left by the Răut river – himself a series of puddles  – in the spring and which become a deadly mud in the winter” (Nicolae Iorga. The Romanian Nation in Bessarabia. Neat edition, introduction and bibliography by Iordan Datcu, Bucharest: Romanian Cultural Foundation Publishing House, 1995, pp. 56-61).

Link to a work / article / page on the Internet: specify the author and title of the article (italics), last accessed and web page.

Model: Dodey, Anne-Laure. Cours de bibliographie générale [online]. [Accessed: 18.3.2020]. Available online at:

Vuillemin, Alain. L’Émergence des littératures digitales.  In: “Phantasma”, vol.  20 – Literature in the Digital Age. Cluj-Napoca: Fundaţia Culturală Echinox, 2011, p. 65-70, [online]. [Accessed: 16.3.2021]. Available online at:  [Accessed: 22.5.2021]


  1. The abstract, title and keywords are presented in Romanian and English one line away from the References. Summary volume: 1000 characters with spaces (font Times New Roman, size 11, line spacing 1.15, justify. Keywords – up to 10 terms. Title: font size 11, lowercase (except the first letter), bold, justify, line spacing 1.15).


For more details see the format of the articles in volume on the magazine’s website:

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